Apr 23, 2015

Quality Time and ACTIVE ENGAGEMENT with Children

Quality Time and ACTIVE ENGAGEMENT with Children

Parents may often claim that they spend a lot of time WITH their children. That is, they may be in the same room as their child but watching TV, reading, on the phone , reviewing emails, or conversing with other guests. What is needed is ACTIVE ENGAGEMENT with children. This implies reading together,playing sports and games together,solving puzzles together, cooking and eating together, discussing things together, joking together, shopping together, building block together,and washing dishes together. In other word , not simply being in a child’s company whilst simultaneously leaving the child alone but being an active participant and partner in activities with the child.
This is good quality time with enough quantity time spent through ACTIVE ENGAGEMENT. No babysitting, nor delegation can replace interaction with parents, both of them!

                                                   Hasan Altalib
Parent-child relations:A Guide to Raising Children

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